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blog...silly name..
Monday, 1 November 2004

Mood:  lyrical
ok, so the song didn't work...
anyway. The wedding preperations are almost done, we just need to orders the cakes and make sure the damn piano player learns the songs, or else...
The trip to Scottland is also almost organized.
And my brother is comming to the wedding, and that means the world to me!
If only I could guarantee that grandma and grandpa won't give him a hard time, but that is unfortunately impossible.
I just hope that it wil lbe a nice night anyway.
Only 5 more weeks!!

Posted by zatanica at 10:36 PM CET
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Thursday, 21 October 2004

Now Playing: Ta min hand
ta min hand This is a song a wrote to my husband :)the translation is "take my hand" I don't really know what to write. I want food.

Posted by zatanica at 7:46 PM MEST
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Tuesday, 1 June 2004
landladys suck...ours do anyway. I don't like being treated like a kid! I just want to be done with the old flat. too many words trying to get out at the same time...bloody hell.

Posted by zatanica at 11:46 PM MEST
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Monday, 31 May 2004
a start
so, I decided to write. about myself. how boring isn't that??

today was a slow day. good day. eric and I just relaxed.
I saw a terrible documentary just now though, that was just that..terrible. it was about homeless people that had to live in a camping site and the "people upstairs" decided to close the site because the residents are too loud and they use shit! if I had to leave everything I've got to go and live in a lousy trailer park I'd give up this vegan sxe-thing and get so high I'd forgotten who and where I was!!!

this world pretty much sucks...

Posted by zatanica at 11:35 PM MEST
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